Reflecting on the fabulous birds and wildlife we are fortunate to see every day, one word comes to mind: gratitude.
We are thankful for these creatures, ranging in size from the tiniest to the largest, which are an integral part of our lives and something to celebrate.
From songbirds visiting our bird feeders, to Blue Jays pretending to be hawks and stealing peanuts, to our squirrel friends visiting us, to birds of prey stalking songbirds at the feeders, each animal is part of our backyard ecosystem that we call home.
We are grateful for each one of them.
Spending time outdoors, breathing fresh air, soaking up vitamin D, and birdwatching inspires us to enjoy a harmonious union with nature. Our love of birds inspires us to love all nature and wildlife, so we act as stewards of the natural world, ensuring that future generations will enjoy and appreciate it.
We cherish the gifts that nature gives us every day.
Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!
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