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in BirdsFeathers and Fate: How Birds Thrive in a World of Predators While Humanity Tears Itself Apart
Nature Survives Without Malice—So Why Can’t We? Lessons from Birds on Harmony, Adaptation, and Humanity’s Self-Destructive Struggles
in BirdsZygodactyl Feet: The Wild Superpower Some Birds Have (And What If We Did Too?)
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Meet the Barred Owl Whisperer of the Underground Railroad
Harriet Tubman was an Avid Naturalist and Used the Call of the Barred Owl as a Secret Signal for Freedom Seekers
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Forget Lovebirds: Turkey Vultures Prove True Love Really Does Last Forever!
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Tips to Ensure our Feathered Friends Stay Cozy and Well-fed
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in ReviewsMatthew Cordell’s New Book Unlocks the Magic of Seeing an Owl
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Why Your Feeders Attract a Colorful Crowd and Lift Your Spirits!
in ReviewsNurturing Little Nature Lovers: A Review of Birding for Babies: Birds Around the World: An Opposites Book
Birding for Babies an Enchanting Introduction to Birdwatching for Children
Video: When Nature Calls. The Art of Bird Poop
The White-Throated Sparrow Finds the Perfect Spot to Let Nature Take Its Course
Winter Birdwatching Bliss: Discover the Beauty of Snowy Days
Embrace the Cold and Let the Beauty of Winter Birdwatching Inspire You